本文(一部抜粋) Life, as unpredictable as it is, has a truly unique way of catching us off guard and surprising us when we least expect it. It seems to follow no schedule, offering unexpected events at moments when we are not even remotely prepared. One day, without the slightest hint of a warning, something truly remarkable might happen that enters our otherwise mundane routine and alters our day completely. For instance,
Embracing Lifes Surprises
問題内容量: 36ページ、単語数: 1,160、サイズ: B5、両面印刷、無綴じ(綴じていません)、リスニングは問題集内部にありますQRコード利用するとすぐにできますが、スマホの機種等によりリスニングできない場合にはメールアドレスをお知らせ頂けましたら、速やかに音声ファイルをお送りしますので、ご安心ください。また、ご購入の際にメールアドレスをお知らせ頂ければ、送品到着の前に音声ファイルをお送りします。
学習内容量: 1週間から2週間程度
Life, as unpredictable as it is, has a truly unique way of catching us off guard and surprising us when we least expect it. It seems to follow no schedule, offering unexpected events at moments when we are not even remotely prepared. One day, without the slightest hint of a warning, something truly remarkable might happen that enters our otherwise mundane routine and alters our day completely.
For instance,